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Guillaume Dubach
En français

Instructor and Teaching Assistant

September 2023 - February 2024: Instructor for MAA201: Linear Algebra II for the Bachelor of Science at École Polytechnique. All relevant information about the class is to be found on moodle and synapses.

Here is a french version of a mnemonic poem about the Gram-Schmidt algorithm.

Below are my past assignments as a TA at NYU, CUNY and IST Austria.
  • 2021-2022: Instructor for the class Maths for quantitative life scientists: Probability and Statistical Inference at IST Austria.

  • 2020: TA for prof. L. Erdős' class (Introduction to Random Matrices) at IST Austria.

  • 2019: TA for prof. Arguin's class (Probability and Stochastic Processes for Finance) at Baruch College.

  • 2018: TA for prof. Fengbo Hang's class (Complex Variable).

  • 2018: TA for Lisa Hartung's class (Basic Probability).

  • 2017: TA for prof. Paul Bourgade's class (Stochastic Calculus).

  • 2017: TA for Zsolt Pajor-Gyulai's class (Basic Probability).

  • 2016: TA for prof. Richard Kleeman's class (Basic Probability).

  • 2015: TA for prof. Eyal Lubetzky (Limit Theorems I).

Courant's Student probability seminar

I have been co-organizing the student probability seminar for four years and gave the following talks.
  • 2019: Stability and transience in complex systems via random matrices

  • 2018: Random Matrices and Group Representations.

  • 2018: Self-Avoiding Walks on the Honeycomb Lattice.

  • 2017: Ginibre Powers - the Laundry Machine Effect.

  • 2017: Some problems of random cycles - and how to fix them.

  • 2016: The Characteristic Polynomial of a Random Unitary Matrix.

  • 2015: Around Ulam's problem.

Updated: March 2024